
DicE magazine, issue 25


I say, this is frightfully good news. A very splendidly special issue for us, a sort of milestone one might be heard to mention. By way of a celebration we have added an extra 32 pages, so #25 is a jam packed 148 pages of fabulousness, and it has a colour in cover by Jason Cruz too. Blast it all, you even get some free crayons, yay. The bad news is, and here’s the rub, we have had to increase the cover price of the magazine by a little. Boo, hiss, I hear you say but hold on chaps. Its been the same money since we started, thats a whole 5 years. The postage has gone up, paper has gone up, printings gone up too dash it all. However, its only increased by a small amount and we are keeping the subscriptions and back issues at the old price. Jolly well sorry we are too, go here to have a sneak peek my lovelies


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