Art Of Our Culture

CS Art Of Our Culture: Corey Hughes

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Article By: Amelia Rose

Originally Published In The July 2018 Issue Of Cycle Source Magazine

In this life, there are things that you choose, and then there are things that choose you. For Corey Hughes, something that started out as a simple one-off project turned into a fulltime career with eyes focused on the future. Back in 2015, he was looking for a custom holster for one of his guns, and much to his dismay, the leather workers he had spoken with, were uninterested in his idea. Taking matters into his own hands, he decided to try it for himself and the rest is history. Of course, before his leather working test-run, Corey had dabbled in various forms of art throughout his life, acrylic on canvas and the like. But there was something about the blank canvas of a fresh piece of leather that truly gave him inspiration.

It was also the ability to continue working with his hands, something he had done all throughout high school. He had done everything from framing and remodeling homes to hand-made cabinetry and trim work. Later in life, he moved on to movie, tv, and theatre set production work. Corey has owned his business, Hellbent Creations, since the beginning of 2015 and still has the first item he ever made; a small, kinda crappy wallet that he carries with him daily. “To say it was terrible would be an understatement. But it was mine, and I was proud.” For him, leather is something that is naturally beautiful, and his work simply enhances that beauty. As an artist and a craftsman, Corey is constantly pushing himself to achieve greater work, determined to be better than he was yesterday.

When we as artists are content with our current situation, the fire is put on the back burner, and we lose our spark, which is something Corey never wants to happen. To be able to go from having something be a small, kitchenbased hobby to a full-on lifestyle is something that still amazes Corey. By traveling cross-country in a converted ambulance and doing bike events, he has had the opportunity to meet some amazing people and experience things many have only dreamed of. And he has been able to meet all sorts of folks. From everyday riders, builders, event promoters, drunks and beautiful women. These are the people that drive our culture and support our artists. One experience in particular that really stood out for him was a few years back when Charlie Ransom and Reckless Reda of The American Motordrome Wall Of Death invited Corey and his nine-year-old daughter, Mella, inside the Motordrome for one of their shows. It was something he will never forget and should be on everyone’s bucket list.

Currently, the Virginia Beach native lives with his beautiful wife and their two amazing kids. In his spare time, he enjoys motorcycles, guns, and fine whiskey (Jack Daniels). He likes his life fast, loud, and rowdy, which makes him a perfect fit for the folks in our industry. As for his plans for the future, they’re simple; to take over the entire world and keep pushing himself to achieve new goals. The future is always uncertain, but one thing we can be certain of is that it’s going to be awesome. If you want to check out some of this cat’s amazing leatherworking and pick up something for yourself, head on over to www.facebook. com/HellBentCreations/ or check out his Instagram @hellbent_ creations

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