Wherever I May Roam – Monday Morning Editorial.

12730_819165528110220_1944595750_nLast night during our monthly staff meeting we got an unexpected phone call from a far off land. It was Brother Bean calling in from his trip to Vietnam. Well, as you can guess, the meeting went pretty quick so we could get to the topic of Beanre’s adventures overseas. I won’t spoil what I can only imagine to be a good two years worth of articles in the magazine. But suffice it to say, the stories he shared over the next hour or so were simply amazing. He shared with us a very unique perspective that only first hand interaction can give a person. It made me realize, just like the articles from Africa and the middle east with Tim, that people are people. Some communist, some christian, some even republicans…. hahaha, but people are people. I love the fact that my brother is taking life by the horns and going to the ends of the world to see life first hand, I am proud as hell and can’t wait to hear the stories he tells you all.

So I guess the meaning of this Monday morning editorial is just to say, take life on man, don’t wait to get your chance… TAKE IT!!!!

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