Killin Time: On Tour With X

Article And Photos By: Xavier Muriel

Originally Published In The January 2017 Issue Of Cycle Source Magazine

there, open highway friends. Well, I’m back from the UK tour and what an amazing time we had. We played some amazing shows, in some very iconic venues, London’s Wembley Arena, Cardiff, Manchester and Birmingham; home of Black Sabbath and Judas Priest, two huge influences in my drumming. We’ll be winding up the year on the East coast and heading home for Thanksgiving. We’ll be taking the rest of the year off to rest up and be ready to hit again in early 2017. To all those who came out and supported Rock-N-Roll, my undying gratitude goes out to ya!!!!! I’m sitting in the lobby of a hotel in Lewiston, Idaho staring out the window thinking to myself “I had no idea Idaho had such beautiful mountains” all I’ve ever seen of this state is the bigger cities. I was staring off in a daze thinking how I didn’t really have anything to write about, and was having my first bout of writer’s block (Ha, me a writer?!, never thought I’d be able to say that!). When out of nowhere a gentleman with his family approached me, and asked me “Are you in Buckcherry?” to which I replied “Yes sir, I am”. He said he was a H big fan and introduced me to his lovely wife and two beautiful little girls. We talked for a while about the rigors of touring, the false ideas of what people think my life is sometimes and big city versus smaller towns.

After we took a few pics and said our goodbyes I stopped for a minute to reflect on how lucky I am to live the life I do. I thought to myself, not only do I have all the memories of the shows and places I’ve been, but more so how many people have come in and out of my life in the past 11 years. I think for me that is the greatest part of my gig and life! My Father always said “you can tell if a man was a true friend, by how many people attend his funeral” and it’s funny it’s taken me all these years to truly understand that phrase. Sometimes, we get so busy making a life that we forget to live it. I, for one, am a perfect example of that. I vowed to myself, at the end of this year and touring cycle that I would really make an effort to hit more bike events, see more of my friends and ride a hell of a lot more and just stop and smell the roses. I personally know of too many people that have said to me “Man, I wish I would have taken more time to enjoy life” I feel as though I should learn from those people, take their advice and “Live a little more” because at some point it’s all gonna go away. The smoke will clear; the lights will fade and I don’t want to live with regrets.

Anyone who’s reading this knows we stand for a way of life that is to enjoy it to the fullest, we crave the open road, wind and sun on our face and yes even the possibility of a breakdown or two but that’s all part of the puzzle and we figure it out come hell or high water! I always hear the elders say that the best times of their lives were spent on a motorcycle with friends doing what they loved. I hope to one day to feel that exact same way. I guess this column wasn’t meant to be a sullen bring me down one at all but more of a nudge to get out there and take some time for yourself and live your life with passion! After all we only get one shot at this right? Until next time be kind to one another, ride safe and God Bless…. X.

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