Back To School – Monday Morning Editorial

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At my age there are sadly few precious things that absolutely blow my mind anymore. I’ve had a fantastic and crazy life that has given me so many memories that I am for sure lucky, but at the same time it leaves senses a bit dull. Well, enter a sixteen year old daughter into that picture and man how the world becomes new again. Today was her second day at school and she had asked me to take her in on the ’49. I thought this would be a trip but I forgot just how freaky a nine foot chopper is to the straights, at least in the setting of the public school system. As we approached the school the gawkers started and when I stopped to let her off I thought we might have been on another planet for a minute. I guess none of these kids have a Panhead in the family, or at least a way back hippy infused sixties chopper. In any event none of that was terribly mind blowing, even the part where just as I was pulling off of school property the man was pulling in, they don’t miss a chance to shake down a chopper jockey…. No, the craziest part was the way she hopped off the bike in her little Ramones t-sirt I bought her a while back, light blue Vans and simply gave me a hug and split. Like it was no big deal, but all the while she knew she had just freaked out the other kids. Yeah buddy, this one’s gonna be a handful for some poor bastard some day, but until then, at least they’ve had fair warning and know what’s waiting at home! Hahaha

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